
Showing posts from 2013


It's fall! As much as I love summer, I also love fall. The colors, the crisp air, that only-in-fall blue blue sky.  We've done a few fun fall things: Exploring at Beaudry Provincial Park, where there happened to be an ultra-marathon going on and I ran into (or rather, he almost ran into us) one of my extended family, who was racing and another who was supporting him. I don't really know what would possess someone to see how many 5.6k laps they could do in 3 or 6 or 12 or heaven forbid, 24 hours, but hey, everyone has different versions of 'fun', right?     We went canoeing! From the bridge in Headingly to our house at Aubrey. Took 3 hours, the sun was warm and the wind was mostly not in our faces. I just love canoeing.   We didn't stop for ice cream, but it was still fun. Thanksgiving! Loren and Lori continue to outdo themselves using Thanksgiving meal components in new and interesting ways. Here we have, that's right, a GRAVY FOUN...