Everyone, it is finally warm here. So warm, that staying inside during the school day is a crime that I simply cannot tolerate after the winter we had. I took every class I had today outside, and it was glorious. ESPECIALLY glorious, because there is something magical that happens when you give kids good books and then take them outside: THEY ACTUALLY READ. For extended periods of time. Even kids who normally won't read for love or money or even slurpees - you get them outside and all of a sudden they are on task and paying attention! Today was the second day in a row that kid D has been at school. This is remarkable because he hasn't come to school, despite us trying everything we know how to do, since about October of GRADE 8. Which is a year and a half ago. Every once in a while, during that year and a half, he would surface for an hour or two, or I'd find him outside the school building, but he'd never come inside and if he did, he didn't stick around for lo...