There are so many posts/reflections/musings/rantings/cryings rattling around in my head these days it is hard to keep them straight. It seems that writing is becoming a 'save it up' activity for me; I have to think and think and think and think and read and read and read and think and think and think before I'm ready to put something down in words. The problem is that then things get forgotten or morph, but maybe that's ok. I dunno. Who cares. The nice thing about a blog is it doesn't have to be polished or perfect; it's a snapshot in time no matter what, so maybe I just go for it, right? Ok, I will. Here goes. I do not promise coherence in anyway: tone, tense, or subject. That's how my brain/heart/soul/feelings are these days, so maybe that's an accurate snapshot. I feel ... I don't know if there is a word for it. I'm all over the map. My mood and level of 'ok-ness' can switch by the minute, hour, day, second. Sometimes I am ready ...
Showing posts from June, 2016