Intending to be parents x2
I didn't write about what it was like to be an Intended Mother last time; I think I was afraid of jinxing it. But this time I want to write about how it feels to have your baby being grown by someone who isn't you, because it is a very unique experience. I don't know when/if I'll publish this as I want to be free to write how I'm feeling, but I definitely don't want Sara to feel like she isn't doing a good enough job of growing and taking care of our baby! She's doing FANTASTIC! I should start out by saying this is different for everyone, but there seem to be some commonalities for all intended mothers going through this process. You have NO CONTROL. You might think you do, but you don't. It doesn't matter what your agreement states; your surrogate is in the driver's seat - they have your baby and they can do whatever they want. In our province, Sara and her husband are legally the baby's parents, even. Some Intended parents seem to...