
Showing posts from September, 2013

Life is too short. Or, as the kids say, YOLO!

Every morning Jake gets up and weighs himself. This is motivational for him, and to his credit (and my annoyance because my body doesn't work like that), his weight has either held the same or gone down every day since we started this health kick. My body stubbornly maintains its weight no matter how much I say 'no' for weeks on end, and then may, or may not, drop slightly. So to that I say - BOO. Life is too short not to eat home made pasta and fresh tomato sauce. AM I RIGHT!?!?!? I AM RIGHT! On the plus side, the running is going pretty well. I ran 'the loop' one evening last week, which is about 4 miles or so. Ok, I took a few walking breaks. But I ran 2/3rds of it before the first break! The downside is that my knees weren't impressed with all that exercise and swelled up a la ultimate afterwards. However, after some recovery time everything is fine - just can't jump like that distance-wise. Will stick to the shorter distances for a while, I guess....


Ok, don't want to jinx it, but so far, this whole 'running-on-the-balls-of-your-feet-thing' is going swimmingly. The first time I ran two blocks, walked one, to Omands creek and back (maybe a km? a little less?). The next day I could barely walk - calves hurt SO BAD and were SO TIGHT. I couldn't go again for 4 days. But the next time I did the same thing, and my  calves didn't hurt nearly as much. The third time I went with Jake and we went much farther, still jogging two blocks, walking one. After that I was pretty sore. BUT - then I went running twice by myself and I went to the creek and back WITHOUT A BREAK and it feels SOOOOO GOOD. My knees don't hurt. My hips don't hurt. My stamina is increasing. I WANT TO RUN! Which is why I actually got up this morning when my alarm went instead of hitting snooze a dozen times. I put on my runners and away I went! All day I felt so good. Wasn't tired, had more patience, felt proud of myself. I love it...