I had surgery yesterday. You don't realize just how vulnerable you are in the hands of strangers until you wake up 2 hours later than when you went to sleep with absolutely NO RECOLLECTION of what happened to you. Last thing I remember was a dr I have met twice previously holding my hand while telling me to breathe 100% oxygen deep into my toes so it was safe to go to sleep. Next thing I knew, the lights were so bright and my throat hurt, and no one would give me water, which is probably good because I would have thrown it up anyway. Anesthesia does not feel good, let me tell you. And I was only out for 2 hours. I can't imagine how much worse it would be if you had a longer surgery. Before I went under, I told everyone there that I should not be on the table. I am too healthy. My blood pressure rate is ridiculously good, especially considering the history of heart disease in my family. I have never had a cavity or broken a bone. I have not had any major illnesses and have no ...
Showing posts from August, 2014