
Showing posts from January, 2021

Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021. When will Covid be over?

When I wrote this post a week ago, it was already longer than intended and now that I've had more time to think about it, it's going to get even longer. So this is a heads up. It's a long one :)  Another disclaimer: I tried adding photos. A few worked, most didn't. But if I don't just publish this now, I fear I never will ;) ***   Well. This might be my longest break in writing yet. From May to January. Yikers. Anyway, here we are. As one does, I've been reflecting on the year. I meant to write this before the clock struck 12 on Dec 31st, but obviously didn't manage it in favor of naps and playing, and now, only a few days later it seems a bit disingenuous to do a year review. Isn't that strange? I'm doing it anyway. Everyone can agree, 2020 is one for the history books. I really can't imagine how we will talk about this year with our kids - they were so tiny that I can't see it having any lasting impression on them, although Rudi did ask tod...