
Showing posts from April, 2013


SEE!!?!?!?!??!?! I'm not just whining about the weather. There is some ACTUAL TRUTH to this! Today I walked to and from school in the sun, which was nice, but also in the ARCTIC AIR which was less nice. COME ON, SPRING!!! SHOW YOUR STUFF!!!!

Come on, Spring!

I know that 'weather' is a bit of a buzz-word in Canada - especially if you live in a place with extremes - we kind of love to brag about how hot/humid/cold-with-windchill it is, and how we have survived/coped with whatever 'weather' is throwing itself at us now. I'm just as guilty of this as the next person, although I do my best not to complain too much during winter - I chose this city as my home and thus feel it is my duty to make the best of a cold winter by spending as much of it outside as possible, enjoying the feeling of sweating under layers of clothing, frost clinging to my eyebrows and eyelashes on a brisk walk to school or ski through the forrest. All that good cheer is gone. It is April 21st, and it is SNOWING. It isn't the first time in my life that there has been snow at this time of year - growing up in Calgary meant that my birthday was equally likely to be balmy and sunny as it was to be freezing and snow-covered - however, this is the fir...

Family Fun Time and some Weddings

Hi everyone. We have been busy around here. First, we cleaned our house with a vengeance. I'm talking about cleaning things that I NEVER clean - like the shelves in the bathroom. And vacuuming up all the hair and dust from behind the bed. Now that I type that I think I really should do that kind of cleaning more than rarely - but cleaning is so annoying. Side note (sort of): the only serious disadvantage of in-floor heat that I have discovered since our renovation is that there is an INCREDIBLE amount of dust that collects all the time. That's the consequence of not having the air in your house circulated through a filter in the furnace, I guess. But enough about that. I got a sweet dusting mitt thing from Jason and Jen, so it's not so bad. On Tuesday, Frank and Sue arrived! Partly to see us, but mostly to meet our local celebrity, Scout. On Thursday, Jainin arrived! We sat around and talked and looked at the baby a lot. Jeope took pictures.  On F...