Family Fun Time and some Weddings

Hi everyone. We have been busy around here.

First, we cleaned our house with a vengeance. I'm talking about cleaning things that I NEVER clean - like the shelves in the bathroom. And vacuuming up all the hair and dust from behind the bed. Now that I type that I think I really should do that kind of cleaning more than rarely - but cleaning is so annoying. Side note (sort of): the only serious disadvantage of in-floor heat that I have discovered since our renovation is that there is an INCREDIBLE amount of dust that collects all the time. That's the consequence of not having the air in your house circulated through a filter in the furnace, I guess. But enough about that. I got a sweet dusting mitt thing from Jason and Jen, so it's not so bad.

On Tuesday, Frank and Sue arrived! Partly to see us, but mostly to meet our local celebrity, Scout.

On Thursday, Jainin arrived!

We sat around and talked and looked at the baby a lot. Jeope took pictures.

 On Friday, I flew to Calgary to attend the wedding of my oldest friend! 

 In the morning before the wedding, we went for a good old fashioned romp in the woods. At first, it was dry and easy.

But then we found the snow. J's shoes weren't prepared for that.

Despite the snow, it was a really nice walk.

We found tire swings, and I tried to get artistic. However, I did not realize that my oh-so-smart camera was focused on the twigs rather than us. 

Slack-Lining! Sort of! L had some good dismounts.

L also played 'Toss the Tire'

M and L had a little snooze. Delightful.

And then it was time for Nuptials! K and I have been friends since I was 6 and she was 5. I was so happy to be able to be there and party it up with her, even if it was only for 38 hours.

Another bonus is that I got to reconnect with a lot of people from the church I grew up in - people who were like another extended family from the time I was 6 on. Including Marie, who is one of the dearest, kindest women I have ever known. I cried when we hugged, it was so good to see her.

K and I! Nunnery forever!

Even though they just got married, K made sure to let B know where he stood in line. Namely, behind baby M.

We danced our faces off, as they say, till 12:00ish. T'was pretty fun. 

We got back to Calgary at 1:30 in the morning, and at 4:45am I was up again, banging on my dad's door to take me to the airport in time for the 6:30am flight back to the 'Peg.

After a quick nap, it was time to get the faspa on! This was no ordinary mild cheese and bologna faspa - this was faspa on crack. We had: zwiebach, 5 kinds of cheese, home-smoked salmon, 3 kinds of home made pickles, pork loin, veggies and home made jam. Plus some other stuff. It was AMAZING.

J and K got a chance to admire their progeny from afar,

because everyone wanted a piece of the baby who slept almost the whole time despite trying our hardest to wake her with loud talking and louder laughing.

Uncle Ken regaled us with a story,

So did F and J.

That was Sunday. On Monday morning crazy early, Jainin said goodbye to return to her family, then on Tuesday, Frank and Sue headed back to their home. Jake and I did the laundry, cleaned like mad, and got ready for round 2 of family! My aunt ME and uncle K came to celebrate my mama's wedding, and stayed with us. It was wonderful.

We packed the house full of Epps on Friday night...

Jake told some stories.

Things got serious.... (just kidding)

And we relished in having 20 people over - no sweat!

On Saturday, it was my mama's wedding!

It was a little muddy. Good thing my boots still fit. 

Look how happy she is!

They danced!

And so did we - there isn't much that is more fun than dancing with your family. I think the DJ thought we were nuts.

HJ even got to benefit a little from ME's reflexology expertise. Uncle K, not to be left out, had to get in on the action :)

ME and K left crazy-early Monday morning after more family-fun-time on Sunday. 

And that has been the past few weeks. Lots of great conversations, food, family time, reconnecting with people we don't see often due to geography and life. It was wonderful. Of course, the consequence of all that socializing and hosting is that I have been a zombie for a week - I did nothing but read a book on Saturday. That was THE BEST. 

Now life is getting back to normal. 10 weeks of school left - can you believe that!?!?


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