Ok, seriously, I know. In Canada, all we do is talk about the weather. It's the start of every conversation, and it dominates our psyche. Especially for those of us who live where the weather tends to be extreme.

Look, I'm not going to go into this in depth, but I just need to say somewhere, for the record:


I was really good. For a long time. In October, I welcomed winter! Skiing! Skating! Pretty snow!

In December, we got the skis and skates out and learned how to bundle for true -40 (toques in hot tubs are key at these temperatures. Otherwise your ears freeze and force you to go in before you're ready. If you have a toque, you can stay in the hot tub for HOURS).

In January, I walked to work on days when ENTIRE STATES closed schools. I dragged my friends outside and to the ski trails.

In February, it was getting a little old but the Olympics kept things fresh, and I was inspired to ski down the hill instead of sliding down on my butt. I reminded myself that I love skiing and skating.

But now it's March. The end of March and it is still minus 20 and I. AM. DONE.

You know what  I do now? I go to work, come home, and park myself in front of the TV/computer. I shove food, any and all food, into my gob. I don't care if it's healthy. All I care about is if it tastes good and if it warms me up even a little.

Also, I am aware that either last year or the year before I wrote about how warm it was at the beginning of March and how that freaked me out. My how the pendulum has swung.

My day dreams these days are heading to the lake; the feeling of diving into a clean and clear Manitoba/Northern Ontario lake and feeling the water rush over my skin. The feeling of sun baking down on slabs of granite; laying on that warm granite and feeling the sun evaporate the water away.

Wow, this is torture.

Thankfully, I have two fantabulous trips coming up to ease the long wait for spring.

First up: trip to Tdot (aka Tarana, aka the center of the universe aka home of future mayor Olivia Chow) with Jaker. We got a place right downtown for 2 nights. We're going to go to the Royal Ontario Art Gallery, eat some delicious things and walk around (IF ITS WARM!). Then Papa Frank and Sue are coming to meet us for more fun and games! We get to see a few friends and eat delicious food and have a great time.

Second up: And this is a trip I don't know if I will ever stop talking about, EVER (and it hasn't even happened yet!): I'm going to NEW YORK CITY with my high school girls. This is a miracle to me. 2 of us are flying from Vancouver, I'm flying from the 'Peg and one of us lives there right now. We graduated FIFTEEN YEARS AGO! And we're flying across the country (ies) to travel, adventure, laugh and talk and revel in each others' company. And I can't contain my excitement. This seems like the plot of a movie, not my life!

So there are good things. But this weather is shitty. (sorry family, it's true. There is no other more appropriate word for it)


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