Grief vs Stress
Possibly the most unhelpful advice ever given to an infertile woman is 'try to relax'. This is also often followed by 'don't stress about it'. Another winner is 'it'll happen when you stop trying'. That last one is true for some (mythical couples, I suspect), but definitely not for most. First, some amount of stress is inevitable: my body is not doing what it is supposed to for a reason no one can figure out. That is stressful. But also, even more so, having kids is a dream that does not die easily. If you are willing to go through IVF and its related procedures, that means that you don't just have a passing desire for children, you WANT CHILDREN. If you didn't want it, badly, you would not put yourself and your partner through all it entails, physically, emotionally, monetarily. So in this context, each repeated negative result multiplies inside you. Each one brings you closer to 'maybe this won't work. THEN what?' OF COURSE this ...