Back to work, for reals!

I'm back at work and I have thoughts about it. I don't have a lot of time to think and write so this is pretty 'off the cusp', but it's better than nothing. I love re-reading about my life after the fact (except when I was so depressed, those posts are hard to read), so when there are huge holes that I haven't written something, I am sad.

Some thoughts about working:

1. I am SO GRATEFUL Jake is taking this year off. SO GRATEFUL! It is stressful financially but it is AWESOME in every other way. He does the grocery shopping and dishes and cooking AND I leave him and Rudi having breakfast in the morning and come home to them in the park in the afternoon. It's wonderful. Rudi doesn't miss me, per se, as far as I can tell, and loves his dad. We are much more equal parents and it's wonderful.

2. I forgot how much OTHER stuff there is when you're a teacher that doesn't actually have anything to do with teaching: photocopying, arranging your room, organizing supplies, emailing parents/guardians, talking with other staff members, connecting kids with services, getting information about kids, setting up all the systems I use to keep track of everyone, organizing things for coaching, responding to emails and so on and so on forever and ever.

3. I was so clever when I packed up my stuff that I didn't want to lose in my classroom to whoever was going to be in there when I was gone that I CAN'T FIND ALL THE STUFF I HID! So that backfired. I used to have a printer, but I have NO IDEA where it is now.

4. I am pretty committed to being home in the neighborhood of 4pm every day and that is HARD. I already feel like I'm behind at work but I also don't want to change anything. So that'll take some figuring out.

5. My brain! I have all these SKILLS! I forgot about them! I can still wrangle 30 teenagers at once, and it's a good thing because they are already putting me to the test.

6. The days don't drag, that's for sure.

7. I had these thoughts that I'd have more 'alone time' at work than I did at home. HA! That was a funny thought. I thought I'd have time to write there. HILARIOUS! Turns out my job is a lot of work and I have to go pretty flat-out all day to keep up, which I'm not actually doing (keeping up), as previously stated.

8. Imma have to figure out how to work smarter not harder this year in a real way because I am teaching more individual students this year than I have in recent years - I see 120 kids a day. That is a lot of kids.

9. It feels busy at home, even with a stay-at-home-parent. I cannot imagine how it will be when we are both back at work.

10.  I feel guilty that I'm not pulling my weight on house chores even though that is the balance that gets struck when one person stays home - last year I did more house chores, this year Jake does more house chores.

11. Rudi is more excited to see my bike at the end of the day than he is to see me, at least at first. ;)

One week down, many more to go :)


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