
Showing posts from 2021

Bill 64: The Public School Modernization Act is Racist

 * This is a slightly edited version of the original post, which didn't have complete math in the stats section. In my original research, I changed the term 'visible minority' to 'BIPOC' because I wanted to use the most current language, but without realizing that Stats Canada collects separate stats for people who identify as Indigenous. The stats portion now reflects these new numbers, but the overall message is the same.'            One of the books I ordered after George Floyd was killed is called ‘Anti-Racist Baby’, by Ibram X. Kendi. It is a list of actions parents can take to teach their kids to be anti-racist. The third point in the book is ‘Point at policies as the problem, not people’. So, here we go. Let’s point at a proposed policy.        It’s easy to get lost in all the problematic aspects of Bill 64, especially as a teacher. It becomes a ‘can’t see the forest for the trees’ situation. We need to step back and look a...

It's over *whimper*

 Today was my last day of parental leave, ever. :(  What an amazing incredible time. What a gift it is to have this time. Ever ever grateful to live in a country that makes it possible.  This year (plus) off was very very different than my year with Rudi. Of course it was. I was different. I wasn't so broken to begin with. I had a toddler around most of the time. A second baby is always a different ballgame. There is also a sweetness to what you know will be your last time to care for and bond with a tiny needy ball of human. Lindsay was not an easy baby like Rudi was. She didn't sleep. The first few months of her life are a bit of a blur because I was getting max 4h of sleep in several chunks per night. (I'm up to 6h a night now, but that's my fault, not hers ;)) And then when we emerged from the 4th trimester fog, the world shut down! And irony of ironies: I was mentally healthy enough to want to socialize with other people, which I didn't really want to do when R...

Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021. When will Covid be over?

When I wrote this post a week ago, it was already longer than intended and now that I've had more time to think about it, it's going to get even longer. So this is a heads up. It's a long one :)  Another disclaimer: I tried adding photos. A few worked, most didn't. But if I don't just publish this now, I fear I never will ;) ***   Well. This might be my longest break in writing yet. From May to January. Yikers. Anyway, here we are. As one does, I've been reflecting on the year. I meant to write this before the clock struck 12 on Dec 31st, but obviously didn't manage it in favor of naps and playing, and now, only a few days later it seems a bit disingenuous to do a year review. Isn't that strange? I'm doing it anyway. Everyone can agree, 2020 is one for the history books. I really can't imagine how we will talk about this year with our kids - they were so tiny that I can't see it having any lasting impression on them, although Rudi did ask tod...