some clever joke about chipmunks

You know what's kind of fun? Drugs! Especially the ones that knock you out and take away the pain. The only, extremely foggy, recollection I have of getting my tooth out is coming into semi-conscienceness and being aware that someone was REEFING ON MY FACE! Not that I could really feel pain, per se. I lifted my hand to say something, but they told me to put my hand down, so I did. Next thing I knew I was groggy in the dentist chair with gauze stuck in my mouth. Waking up all the way was HARD. Like walking through water.

My dear friend Jess came to get me, and I thought I was fine, till I stood up. It was like being drunk, really. Could not walk in a straight line. Went to Jess' house and passed out on her couch in the basement. I tried to watch HGTV, my favourite, but could not stay awake. It was kind of wonderful.

I spent most of yesterday in a bit of a fog, actually, with really strange and vivid dreams - the kind you have to think REALLY hard about to figure out if they are real or not. For example, I was pretty sure at one point that Jess was throwing me a party...surprise!

Strange sensation: eating when half your mouth is frozen. Stranger sensation: eating yogurt when only half your tongue can tell it's cold, but your whole tongue can tell it's yogurt. Incidentally, warm yogurt is gross.

So yesterday was ok, and I kept taking pain meds as per dr's orders and I thought 'no big deal! I am FINE!' I can eat and talk! Well, today is a bit of a different story. My face is fine (aside from being HUGE) if I don't move and don't open my mouth. So obviously I'm in some pain today :)

Now to dig out the blender and make one heck of a fruit and yogurt smoothie.


  1. Oh dear, you make me so want to get those wisdom teeth out - not!


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