Corona Virus Diaries, Part 3

I will say this for this time of #stayhome and #quarantine; I have learned some things.

I have learned that it actually IS possible to stay inside your house with your 2 small children all day and not lose your mind.

I have learned it's possible to stay home all day and have fun.

I have learned the value of slowing down with my immediate family.

I have learned the value of a little well-timed screen time.

I have re-learned and re-emphasized that all of this at-home time goes infinitely better if I do a challenging and vigorous workout in the morning.

I have learned how much I take travel for granted. This is a big one and I'm struggling with it more and more as the weather heats up and we wonder what our spring and summer will be like. Like so many people, we had to cancel travel plans. We were suppose to be hitting the road today, heading west, for a family adventure to the west coast, ending in our favourite place of Tofino/Ucluelet. It was a 4 week trip that included seeing many friends and family. Instead we #stayhome and watch ever more snow flit out of the sky this April. We are hoping to do this trip in September, although even that seems unlikely at the moment.

Even more than a big road trip, I'm thinking about all our summer travel: we go to Ontario for camping and cottaging a lot. We have plans to go to Muskoka region and Nova Scotia for cottaging experiences with family. We wanted to go camping with friends. We are rarely home for more than a few days at a time in the summers, usually, always on the go to the next adventure.

I didn't think of us as people who 'travel' until we were told not to. We don't travel internationally, really. It's been at least 4 years since we even went to the US. But we do leave our province a lot. I wonder if all the social distancing restrictions will be relaxed except for travel....after all, people moving around is what brought this virus around the world.

What will spring and summer look like if there is no camping and we aren't allowed to leave Manitoba? I'm sad and worried about it, even as I recognize this is a ridiculous thing to be worried about during these times.

But nonetheless, it's there.

It seems impossible that life will be anything resembling 'normal' for the rest of this year....but only time will tell, I guess.


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