
You know, I'm not gonna lie. It has been very difficult to be in a good mood at work this week.

I know I'm not the only one struggling through the post-holiday/winter blues, but sheesh, I was hit hard this week. Getting up, going to work, dealing with teenage drama and angst, being told 'I don't like your class. It's boring.' while planning up a Make Your Own Ice-Cream lesson, having my new hair ridiculed (just kidding - that was funny. One grade 7 boy was not impressed and told me it didn't 'suit' me. HA!) was just all a little much.

I don't know that I've felt quite this low/apathetic about work before. The diversity of kids and classes on my schedule is wearing me down - ridiculous, because I just had two of the best weeks off EVER - I should be relaxed, ready, and in a good mood.

All this Eyore-style griping is not becoming, is it? Thankfully, there have been some good moments.

Today I was standing in the hall watching them clear after class change when 3 girls came up the stairs. These girls are often in the hall, often late, sometimes rude. One of them, we'll call her 'R', used to give me the WORST time till I hauled her down to the principal's office one day and got to know her more. Now we're buds - mine is one of the only classes she will attend regardless of what her friends are doing AND she gave me a stuffed elephant one day for no apparent reason. ANYWAYS today when she came around the corner from the stairs she took one look down the hall, which was full of grade 9 students, and then bolted. I was mystified until her friend did a quick scan of the students and then muttered 'oh. Her crush is over there'.

I was immediately thrown back to my own grade 7 and 8 years (not years I like to remember, generally) and that deliciously torturous feeling of liking a boy in an older grade SO INTENSELY. It was the highlight of my day to see my various 'crushes', and also caused great anxiety. I knew EXACTLY what R was feeling. It was just so cute. She eventually was coaxed into the hall and got her stuff out of her locker. I huddled in close and we talked a little about her crush - he was the one in the jersey - and her little smile and twinkling eyes were just what I needed at that moment to snap me out of my funk.

So, here is to a renewed attitude of fun, good cheer, and good faith with the students.

Once I get over this New Year's cold they gave me as a gift. Ironic, since in grade 8 science we're discussing the immune system and all its amazing powers. My white blood cells have let me down! Where are those anti-bodies!


  1. New hair!?!? I wanna see!! Glad to hear that you are finding the bright spots amidst the January back to school blahs:) I am exactly the opposite (not to gloat or anything;) groups started on Thursday and I couldn't be more happy to have them here and to have company on my hikes. I'm sure though that this will wear off a few school groups in.... -Kristy


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