
Showing posts from October, 2012


I was going to write a post about something pretty depressing, but then I noticed that this is the 100'th post! What the what!? Who knew? So I will write about something more uplifting instead. When we were planning the wedding, I was getting pretty stressed out about the cost of it all. Of course, it didn't help that we were paying for a renovation at the same time, but I think I would have still been intimidated by the cost of the wedding. It seems so crazy to spend so much money on a single day! However, as previously mentioned, at the end of it all it was all worth it. People seemed to have a good time and we had a GREAT time. In fact, afterwards I remarked that hosting all your favourite people at one time is an amazing feeling - one that I could maybe see us replicating in the future (maybe 15 years down the road or so :)). This feeling of good will towards all has inspired our new challenge/task/joy. We are going to invite people over for dinner - people that w...

the tyranny of 'doing'

So here's the thing: I really like not 'doing' things. And/or I like putting off the things that need to be 'done'. I'm not really sure what this is about - it's not like anyone will ever run out of things to do. But often I can only  convince myself to 'do' after a time of slothful idleness, much against Marilla Cuthbert's teachings on the subject. Obviously, I haven't been able to follow my normal tendencies/patterns for the past year-ish - doing was constantly necessary, and I impressed myself regularly with how much I could accomplish in a day. In fact, it's kind of embarrassing to know now more than ever how much I could 'get done' in a day if I put my mind to it and don't watch X number of episodes of whatever show in between bursts of activity. I just wanted to write that. I'm sort of cheating by watching episodes of tv while doing mindless school prep/crocheting (made an afghan in 2 weeks, didn't know I sti...


There is no denying or masking it - I am in full-on hibernation mode. I want nothing but tv, crocheting, wine, homemade chocolate pudding with a little sea-salt on top, and popcorn. going to work is a real chore - not because there are other tasks/demands on my time (FINALLY!), but because I want to do NOTHING in a big way. Last weekend I almost went out of my way to not hang out with people. Didn't initiate or join in on any plans on Friday or Saturday. Wiggled out of Saturday evening obligation early. I just want to be by myself, in my sweatpants, without talking to anyone. I sort of want to blame this mood/phase on renovation/wedding hang-over, but the truth is that I regularly feel like wanting to hole up alone. There is no denying it, my friends. Contrary to what may seem obvious, I am not an extrovert. I do love people, in particular my friends and family, but in between events and visiting I am extremely happy to be alone. Poor Jaker doesn't always understand this de...

Now and Then

Besides being one of the best movies ever made, this is the perfect title for this post. Here we go! Long-awaited pictures of our new house! Gotta say, the new digs feel perfectly normal now - it is only when I look back at these pictures that I remember how extensive the work we did was. It's amazing how quickly you forget! I wonder if this is the same mechanism that makes women 'forget' how horrible child-birth can be so as convince them to have more children. Without further ado, PICTURES! Remember when it looked like this when you walked in (with a little less cardboard and a little more wainscotting - but I didn't take a picture of it from here before destructo was in full swing)? Now it looks like THIS when you walk in the front door! Remember when the living room looked like this? Now it looks like this: Remember when the dining room looked like this? Or this? Now it looks like this: When you looked downstairs from t...

Picture Uploader!

Jeremy is the best! If you have pictures of the wedding weekend, please please upload them to this site so I can download and collate them. Unless you live in Winnipeg, then we'll invite you and your memory card over for supper ;) Thanks everybody!

One more thing about the wedding

 I thought of more highlights! I know you want to hear them. Highlight #6: The group picture! I haven't seen them yet, so I don't know if everyone's eyes are closed of if you can't see half the people but it doesn't barely matter. You know why? Because having that many people you love in one picture is AMAZING. It sort of hearkens to the days of Epp Family Reunions and the group pictures taken every time. In a way it seems silly to gather everyone together for that because everyone ends up being so small you can't really see details of anyone. On the other hand, though, how awesome is it to see all of your relatives in ONE SPOT! All the more hilarious when the pictures are from the 70's and everyone is wearing plaid bell-bottoms! I fully expect this picture to be one of my favourites and will want to blow it up as big as possible.   Highlight #9: We got a sneak-peak of pictures from our wonderful photographer, Susie, and they are amazing. I don...

WE DID IT!!!!!

I can't believe it's over. I mean, I was waiting and kind of praying for it to be over, but now that it is I feel....I can't name it, actually. 'Bereft' came to mind, but that's too sad. 'Speechless', but obviously that's not true since here I am writing about it. Really, what it boils down to is that the wedding was four days of absolute fun - and I am very proud of Jake and I (and our myriad of friends and family) for pulling it off. Get ready for randomness. I've been composing this in my head for days, but there is no cohesive way to say it all - at least, not without more editing than I am willing to embark on. And so, a list of sorts. Highlights slash Tips For A Fantastic Wedding, we'll call it. Tip #1: Have trustworthy and reliable friends and family, put them in charge of something and then let them do it! This was the best part for me. Everyone knows weddings involve lots of jobs and everyone also knows that it can be stressful...


The other day a former student stopped by. He was one of my favourites (I know, I know, not supposed to have favourites...) - such a hard worker, great sense of humor, mature, easy to talk to. I miss him a lot. We talked about the fact that he and his 3 younger sisters, youngest age 2, are living in a hotel right now, being taken care of by child and family services. At the beginning of the week, their dad phoned the police because his wife, the kids' mother, had been beaten up and was unconscious. The police arrested dad, mom's in the hospital and in a coma, and the children are in a hotel. This is a family relatively new to Canada, struggling to learn English and to get ahead. Throughout our discussion, my student was calm, collected and philosophical. I asked him if his dad had ever beaten his mom or them before. He said no. He said 'No one knows what happened. Only she (mom) knows' and he shrugged. He doesn't think his dad did it, but there are no witnesse...

very briefly

The first of what I'm sure will be many hilarious mishaps: Today my mom called and said 'What time is the ceremony?' 'Two thirty' I patiently replied, having explained this to dozens of people over the past few days. 'Are you sure?' 'Yes' 'Because your invitation says 2:00' '.....Are you sure?' 'I'm looking right at it.' 'No way! I planned the whole day for the ceremony starting at 2:30!!!' 'I thought that was strange.' So if you're coming to the wedding, and you read this, come for 2. But we might start a little late ;)