I was going to write a post about something pretty depressing, but then I noticed that this is the 100'th post! What the what!? Who knew? So I will write about something more uplifting instead. When we were planning the wedding, I was getting pretty stressed out about the cost of it all. Of course, it didn't help that we were paying for a renovation at the same time, but I think I would have still been intimidated by the cost of the wedding. It seems so crazy to spend so much money on a single day! However, as previously mentioned, at the end of it all it was all worth it. People seemed to have a good time and we had a GREAT time. In fact, afterwards I remarked that hosting all your favourite people at one time is an amazing feeling - one that I could maybe see us replicating in the future (maybe 15 years down the road or so :)). This feeling of good will towards all has inspired our new challenge/task/joy. We are going to invite people over for dinner - people that w...