the tyranny of 'doing'

So here's the thing: I really like not 'doing' things. And/or I like putting off the things that need to be 'done'. I'm not really sure what this is about - it's not like anyone will ever run out of things to do. But often I can only  convince myself to 'do' after a time of slothful idleness, much against Marilla Cuthbert's teachings on the subject.

Obviously, I haven't been able to follow my normal tendencies/patterns for the past year-ish - doing was constantly necessary, and I impressed myself regularly with how much I could accomplish in a day. In fact, it's kind of embarrassing to know now more than ever how much I could 'get done' in a day if I put my mind to it and don't watch X number of episodes of whatever show in between bursts of activity.

I just wanted to write that. I'm sort of cheating by watching episodes of tv while doing mindless school prep/crocheting (made an afghan in 2 weeks, didn't know I still had that in me!) thereby justifying the tv a little, but really there is laundry that has been in the dryer since LAST WEEK that I haven't folded for no good reason other than I don't feel like it.

I'm trying to gear myself up for a burst of activity here that involves the following: putting in a new load of laundry, giving the bathroom a wipe-down, cleaning the laundry room pantry cupboards, reorganizing the upstairs food, moving the excess to the laundry room, folding the old laundry, making quinoa salad for tomorrow, and putting dry goods in jars and reorganizing the fridge a little (the french door situation presents some unanticipated challenges in the fridge organization dept. Kind of missing the old fridge, not gonna lie).

If I could just get started, I could probably do all of the above in an hour and a half. No joke. I can be very efficient. Getting started, though, is the key.

Good thing the internet is slow, so streaming shows isn't working very well. Otherwise I may never leave my chair...

Ok. Here I go. For Reals.

Just watch me....


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