What We Hear
I've been initiated into one of the rites of motherhood, I think. Maybe it'll help me feel more like a 'mom' ;) My writing has been interpreted in ways I did not intend and caused some people I care about deeply to feel judged. I felt terrible and it got me thinking. (this is hard to write without sounding like an ass! I've started and deleted so many sentences!) The post my friends brought up was the one where I talked about how I can't get enough of Rudi, and how I hold him all the time. When I wrote it, I wasn't trying to send any kind of message to anyone who does things differently, or feels differently about their babies. I was just kind of reveling in my own little cocoon of a world. I believe the sun was shining through the windows of my sunroom, lending me extra endorphins to really drive home my point ;) Since then I've been thinking about how hard it is to talk about experiences without sounding like anyone who does or feels differently...