What you don't see
***I wrote this post about a year ago. I was in the midst of trying to reconnect with 7 women who were very good friends who had babies and who I needed to step back from while I was dealing with my own terrible time. Reconnecting has been hard, necessary work and I have learned a lot. The biggest revelation for me was that they felt excluded from my life, whereas from my end of things it felt like my world just got smaller and smaller until there was almost nothing left. It didn't feel like there was anything going on in my world that someone could be excluded from, I was such a depressed mess. So I wrote this, thinking maybe it would explain that a bit more. I never actually sent this to any of them, or published it before now, but I've been re-reading it and I think it's still good and still says what I was trying to say. A few weeks ago I said I thought I was stuck because this is hard stuff to think about and write about. There is more to it as well, but this is a star...