
I realized the other day that it has been over 10 years since I have needed my passport. Doesn't that seem a little crazy? I spent the year after high school travelling around Europe, all confident in my travel and survival skills, unafraid to head out to a new country with little or no prior research. When I came back to Canada, I was sure that international travel was my destiny, and that it wouldn't be long till I was hitting the road again. Instead, I moved to Winnipeg, and have been here pretty much ever since! My passport expired, and I didn't do anything about it. Didn't need it.

And now, on the eve of departure, I'm feeling kind of nervous - about customs, about long flights, about making connections, about what will happen when we get to our destination (although, I really shouldn't be - I'm pretty sure that when I get there what's going to happen is we will be enthusiastically greeted by Jake's family, and promptly escorted to the beach). I am feeling the pre-travel jitters that I haven't felt in a LONG time.

I'm happy to be heading out on an adventure. I used to know how to do this! Time to re-learn!

We're going to an all-inclusive resort near Holguin, Cuba, and I am equal parts pumped and a little .... guilty/unsure about how I will feel about this. Sitting on the beach with a drink in my hand? AWESOME. Doing it in a country where the residents have very little, and aren't allowed to come where I am, even though these pristine beaches are THIERS!? Not so awesome. I understand that many of these places depend on the tourism dollars people like me spend there, but still. This is not the kind of vacation I can embark on without significant liberal/social justice guilt. However, never having done it before, I guess I don't REALLY know what I'm talking about, so I have to give it a try, right? Also, I feel torn because this is such a great way to get together with Jake's family, who are in Nova Scotia, Ontario and here - this way no one has to host, and the time together is our gift to each other. Also, Jake's sister is a dentist and is bringing down a shipment of common-to-Canada dental supplies, that are sadly not common in Cuba. I'm talking about things like freezing. Imagine getting a filling or something without the aid of anaesthetic!

Maybe by the time the week is over and I realize just how amazing it is to be basking in plus 30 when it is winter at home will alleviate some of these conflicted feelings. I guess we'll find out!

Anyway, 4am wake-up tomorrow for that first flight out to Toronto. Brutal. However, we should be on the beach by 3pm local time, so I guess it's worth it.

Happy New Year!


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