what a DEAL!!!

Did you know that at some wedding dress shops, people spontaneously burst into tears and ring a bell when they have found 'THE ONE' - that is THE DRESS they will get married in? Finding the 'perfect' dress seems to be just as, if not more, important than finding the right partner! And let me tell you, more often than not, the dresses they deem 'the one' are HIDEOUS, even as the people around them are saying 'you look incredible!'.

But let's not get off track here. This is about how my cheapness, combined with a strong reluctance to buy into the 'bell ringing' sent me and my sisters driving into one of Winnipeg's sketchier neighbourhoods and into a stranger's house.

In all the dresses I tried on, I was always drawn to lace overlays. I'm not sure exactly why - maybe because it's not princess-y per se, or maybe it's a little bit sleeker, usually, or something. Maybe I felt more grown up. For sure I felt more like myself in a sleeker dress than poofier one.

Anyway, the thing about lace is, it's pricey, so all the dresses I liked the most were a little out of my self-imposed $200 limit. The $700 dresses I was trying on on Saturday seemed 'reasonable', considering my favourite dress of all time was $2400.00

That was, until I started going on Kijiji! There are SCADS of dresses on there, and nearly every single ad says 'Only worn once!' Because a wedding dress that had been worn twice would be completely out of the question. ;) But I found one that looked good on the ad, and made contact. Lori, Rachel and I drove out into Elmwood area, and, gonna be honest, were seriously wondering what we were going to encounter when we went into the house, considering the real estate we were driving by (ironic, since Lori and Rachel and until very recently I, all live(d) on streets that would probably garner the same reaction from someone unfamiliar with the area). Thankfully, however, the woman was very sweet, the dress had more good points than bad points, and I knew that if I left it there, I would regret it. It's not perfect yet (way too big, for one), but I have confidence that it will be with a few minor changes.

The price, you ask? Only ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!!! That's right! Of course, that is pre alterations, and I would not be at all surprised if the cost doubles by the time it's all said and done, but STILL! What a DEAL!

And BONUS: that means I don't have go dress shopping any more, and I don't have to make anyone else go through it with me! Wins all around! ALSO, since it is currently too big, I could just eat my way into it, rather than having to diet to fit, which is what a lot of people seem to do for their weddings. WOOT! (but don't worry, I'm not going to do that)


  1. this is so fantastic! it is a win - win- win - and more wins! totally eat into the dress. bliss.


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