so close....

I'd like to report that I have tons to write for the blog, but the truth is, I am too tired.

We are so close to being ready for drywall I can taste it (literally - I was installing soundproof insulation in the ceiling today and more than a little got all over me - it was itchy and gross)... I know there will still be a lot to do after the drywall is up, but it's all finishing work after that. CAN'T WAIT!

Anyway, maybe next weekend while drywall is going up I'll get clever and post pictures and anecdotes, but for now know that we are working our butts off - Jake works usually 10ish hours a day, and I usually work 8-9 (mostly because by then I get tired and then annoyed and it's better for everyone if I just stop). We haven't had a day off from this kind of schedule yet, and I am pooped.



  1. You are amazing to see in action. A very hard worker indeed.


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