First off, a confession: When I suggested doing the floor ourselves because I was unhappy with the quotes we got and/or the service provided, I was DEFINITELY underestimating the amount of work it would be. This task has probably been one of the more labour-intensive ones and that is surely saying something. Jake spent three SOLID days patching the floor - motivated by the desire to go to a cabin with our friends Winston and Andrea. He was painstaking and precise and managed to patch the three major spots, plus the rad-holes all with flooring salvaged from under cabinets. Pretty good, eh? And that is before it is sanded! (obviously) This is pretty blurry, but I'll leave it on here - washing the floor with a scraper in hand to get the last of the drywall mud off! Fun! After the patching and cleaning, it was time to sand. Jake tried to surprise me while I was gone on my bachelorette - he wanted to have the floor sanded by the time I got home. It...