Here we go!

This is it! Don't get scared now!

Tomorrow is our last day of back-breaking, sweat-running-off-your-nose, inhaling-dust-particles-that-surely-aren't-good-for-you labor. Tomorrow, we sand the floor with all our might. Tomorrow, we go above and beyond the normal limits of human capacity and work our butts off so that this job will be finished! Tomorrow we will get up earlier and work harder for longer on our house than we ever do for our paying jobs.

It is going to be awesome. Also, when we are done this job, cleaning the tub will no longer be a futile exercise. The water won't run black off our bodies at the end of the day!

After this, we will put some coats of varnish (water based) on the floor, and pack to go to a cabin. We will varnish our way out of the house on Sunday, and then leave for a week, giving the floors a good long time to cure. When we get back we will MOVE IN! For reals! Appliances, couch, counters! Kitchen! WOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news:

Last weekend I got kidnapped by some dear dear friends and family and they took me camping! Woot! Girl time! It was a bachelorette fairly free of ridiculous penis-themed things, thank goodness, and the outfits Lori wanted me to wear were pretty funny, so it was a great time. You know what's fun? Camping when you get to sit around and other people fetch your food and drinks! Word! Thanks very very much to Lori, Rachel, Jill, Vanessa, Alisa, Laura, Julia, Ang, Jess, Sara Jane, Denise, and Sarah for making me feel very loved. For truly, when I saw all of you storm into my back yard to whisk me away, I teared up! I have the best friends in the world. Not a word of a lie. Special mention goes to Denise and Sara Jane for travelling long distances (Sara Jane flew in from Onterrible, and Denise drove from Saskabush despite the fact that she was starting a new job on Monday) and Sarah for making the break and leaving her nursing baby with papa for the weekend so she could party with the girls for the whole weekend. Special mention also to those who wanted to be there but couldn't because of work, or geography, or whatever. It would have been great to have you, but I felt your love from afar!

Ok, folks. I know I haven't posted pictures in a while, and you're not getting any today either. But when we get back from the cabin, I'll post a slew, ok? I will tell you, though, that the island arrived yesterday and the kitchen window is framed in cherry. IT ALL LOOKS AMAZING!!!


  1. I do wish I could've been there! Glad you felt the love I was sending from Cowtown.


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