Nifty Gifty's

Let's just get the awkwardness right out of the way: Weddings often mean gifts. Traditionally, this was when a family or community would support the new couple with setting up their first home. And then that couple would have that stuff for the rest of their lives. I have a salt shaker and pepper grinder that my parents got for their wedding, and they are still awesome.

Jake and I are in a bit of a different boat, though. We are old. We've both lived for on our own for a long time and have acquired many things that would be traditional wedding gifts. Crock pot? Got it. Knives? Jake has a great set. Towels? We have all the towels we have storage for. 

This is why we mentioned 'presentation' on the invitations. 

However, I also know that people like to give things - and it is nice to say 'these pots were a gift from Jake's sister' for the rest of our lives. Or whatever.

We may register for a few household things (more about that later), but in the meantime, I'd like to highlight one item in particular that we want for our finished house. If you are one of those tangible 'gift' people, this might help you out.  If you are travelling a long distance and are finding that financial burden to be...a burden, do not feel obligated in anyway. Your presence is a gift in and of itself! Also, this is probably a gift you would gather a group for.

I present: 'Shimmering Water' by Lawren Harris. The colour scheme of the house is loosely based on it, and we look it up on the internet all the time. It is bookmarked, in fact.

The exact thing we want to order is here, the full size (38" x 47") - it is the perfect dimensions for above the mantle. We will hang it stretched, although we could get that done in Winnipeg, rather than having it shipped or transported stretched. Gorgeous, no? We are planning to hang it above the mantle over the fireplace, where all good art goes.

So, if you are interested in getting some people together to pitch in for this, email my mom to tell her your intentions. As much as we love it, we only want one. :)

Her email is below:

amaelene at mymts dot net


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