So, what should we wear to your wedding, anyway?

We've been getting this question quite a bit lately. The season presents a bit of a challenge, but I think it's the 'games' part that is throwing people for a loop.

Let me lay your questions/fears to rest.

You  can wear whatever clothes you would normally wear to a wedding to our wedding. It's fun to get a little spiffed up, right? The games we are planning to have available (and remember, it's not mandatory to play, although it is strongly encouraged, because they are fun!) are lawn games. The most exercise they involve is either an underhanded throwing motion, or walking a few yards over lawn.

Considerations/Further information:

1. There is 5 minute walk to the ceremony site.

2. Grass + heels = well aerated grass. I guess that one's up to you.

3. We are hoping to get a group picture with everyone right after the ceremony (there are bleachers! Perfect!), so don't wear anything you're embarrassed to be photographed in. :)

4. If the weather isn't cooperating (although I put in an order for a sparkling fall day a year ago, so we should be good to go), we'll be inside. Adjust your wardrobe accordingly.

5. Depending on how long you plan to party with us, you may want a bonfire-friendly change of clothes stashed in a bag somewhere. But I'm guessing that would only happen after midnight, if at all. Until then, we will be dancing!

Does that help? If you have other concerns or questions by all means get in touch!

In case you're curious, the games we are hoping to have are:

Ringers (Jake calls it 'Ringers', but on the internet it's called 'Washers')

Ladder Golf


And possibly:

Fris knock (all the links are about how it's a drinking game. Doesn't have to be. It's just fun! And now I found a picture of kids playing it, complete with beer bottle-shaped bottles. Sad, or funny?)




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