'it's like finding a diamond in a pile of dung'

Today there was a moment where everyone in my gr 7 phys ed class was doing exactly what they were supposed to do. Four girls who are normally impossible to get out of the hallway were all dancing along to 'Beat It' by Michael J. A boy who can't sit still for a minute was helpfully spotting another at the barbell station. Kids were encouraging each other. They were exercising. They were being (mostly) respectful of the various equipments. Every kid was appropriately busy and they were also having a good time. It was pure magic. A moment to capture and keep forever.

This is why I teach. It is when my job is the one I wouldn't trade for any other. When things go like this, I can't imagine being anywhere else or doing anything else. The power of this moment is so massive that it can propel me through days and even weeks of insanity, not to mention the times my frustration level is through the roof and all I can see is red.

I described the scene to a colleague and he came up with the quote in the title. It's true. That little tiny diamond, that you had to root through shit for, is TOTALLY WORTH IT!

All smiles tonight.


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