
Things have been quiet(er) around here lately. We even washed the floors downstairs because we realized that we have a few weeks between major messes.

It's a strange feeling - not having such tangible projects staring you in the face. Or rather, there are many projects waiting for the right time to be completed, but now is not that time. Moving the kitchen into the sunroom, for example. It needs to be done before Bash'n'Crash, but to do it now means 2.5ish extra weeks making do. Not a big deal, but considering we're planning not to have a real kitchen again till August, I'm not particularly eager to add to that time in any way.

Jake has been feeling a little at loose ends - he loved coming home and pulling trim down. It is progress that can be seen. The last bit went in a flurry with help, so now the basement is full of mantle-bits full of nails. Pulling nails and organizing the basement isn't nearly as much fun as pulling things off the wall.

One thing we did do this weekend is downsize our kitchen to what we will use for the summer. 4 plates, 4 bowls, 4 cups, cheese grater, colander, a few utensils, 1 pan, 1 pot and that is basically it. And 4 wine glasses, of course.

(the Salad spinner is Jake's addition to 'necessary' items).

The rest is stacked with incredible efficiency in the laundry room cabinets.

This is about a third of it, and there is more to come. Really does make you wonder about all the stuff we have but don't use often. Keep in mind this doesn't include my pottery, which is all upstairs.

Jake's sister Jainin is here right now, which is great, even though with our lull we haven't kept her super-busy. On the other hand, eating sushi and chatting up a storm are good ways to spend time too :)


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