It's alive!

Peeps! Sometimes, things just work out! Isn't that amazing?

1. Heat guy was here today to fix up the heat sitch, and now, a few hours later is almost 20 degrees in here and the FLOORS ARE ACTUALLY WARM!!!! What the what? So awesome! Our heat works!

2. The sink seems to have miraculously stopped leaking. Not sure how that happened, but it hasn't given us any trouble in the past few days. Likewise, the new faucet which cost more than the sink but looks damn fine, also stopped dripping.

3. The counter guys came and polished up the counters today, which we had previously stained with salad dressing and they look much better. Woot!

4. Jake got all the wine for the wedding, and labels are printed and are being cut as we speak (by Jeope and an x-acto knife - much more precise than Jake or I could ever hope to be.)

So those are all good things. Very happy!


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