
I've been thinking about this post for a while. I considered writing a bunch of shorter, more focused blurbs and then publishing them one at a time, but that just isn't my style. Way to polished and professional-like. So here we go. I will number the ramblings for your convenience.

1. Investing Update: Unfortunately, we/I do not have the mental energy and time it would require to find a truly ethical investing option. I was very much unimpressed with the 'ethical' brand portfolio - sounds like their web developer said 'Use a green colour scheme and you will get droves of clients. It doesn't even matter what you put on there.' I appreciated that they didn't invest in companies who make weapons, but then they turned around and cited Suncor as one of their major 'Success' stories, and that just turned me off. ALSO, did you know, they will charge higher fees for a lower return, investing in EXACTLY THE SAME COMPANIES as the regular one. What the eff is that about? Green pigment doesn't cost much more, people. I resent being manipulated even more than I resent investing in Big Business. So we've decided that for this year we're putting our money in conventional balanced portfolio, with the majority of our investment staying in Canada. In future years, it will become more of a priority to find other more truly socially responsible investing options.

2. Exercise Update: remember waaay back in January I said I was going to do 10 + 10 sun salutations every day?! HA! But, kudos to me, I am still doing 2 + 2 as well as sit-ups and hip lifts. If not every day, most days. I feel stronger and my back feels better. Yoga classes (2x a week! Yikes) will start soon and that will whip me into real shape. The thing about the 2 +2 is that it literally takes 5 minutes to do it all. It is really hard to justify not doing it, when it only takes 5 minutes.

3. Kitchen Round 2: we have met with three kitchen builders so far, and are learning a lot about what we want (all the cool gadgets), and what we need (almost none of the cool gadgets). Here are a new set of drawings. Warning, though, these show the two-tone colour scheme (top would be an almond colour, bottom dark maple or cherry) we are considering. Not everyone likes this plan. I think it would go a long way to opening up the space, and it would also suit the tone of the house, as our current kitchen is two-tone and the almond colour looks amazing next to dark wood. 

Ok, so here is the wall opposite the window. Notice the cabinets have a second row with glass doors that go to the ceiling. MORE STORAGE! People keep saying 'but do you want people to be able to see your stuff?' and I say 'That is where the pottery goes!'

 The Stove/back of the kitchen. Currently there is a door to the basement on the one side of this part of the kitchen. Imagine creamier cupboards and stainless steel appliances.
 Here we have the window. At first I was thinking it was strange that the uppers stopped in the corner instead of coming right up to the window, but then I thought it might be neat to have open shelving on both sides of the window, for things like olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper and all that stuff you use every day. As well as more pottery. Obviously.
 In this one you really get a sense of the whole kitchen. It seems small, eh? That's because it is. At least the allowance for the fridge is smaller in this one, giving the bank of drawers a little more room.

 Mostly uppers. I really like the glass up at the top. I should mention that in real life that window is much bigger - taller both ways if that makes sense. In fact, we may run into trouble trying to put the sink by the window because it's possible it will be too low for the counter to go under it. I guess we should measure that, eh?
Aerial view. You may be noticing that this does not include an island. The guy felt he couldn't add that till he saw the space, since we couldn't give precise measurements, which I think if fair. Also, the sink won't look like that. From this view it looks a little less chaotic, but man, that kitchen is small! It will be extremely efficient for one person. Two may be pushing it.

So, there you have it. What do you think?


  1. I'm sure you'll figure it out. I am jealous because the kitchen is the one part of my house that doesn't feel right to me and I would like to be able to redo it too.


  2. Coming along nicely!!!J


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