More dreams!

Last night I dreamt about the wedding for the first time. It wasn't like the Oma dream in the real-ity of it - lots of rooms/situations morphing into other rooms in this one. However, I did wake up because my feeling of nervous excitement just before walking down the aisle was so intense.

It started out as just a still shot of a room full of tables, partway set, and then it was a really fun party. I'm sure this part was in part influenced by the shindig I went to last night. Lots of people, dancing, general feeling of good cheer - it was wonderful.

All of a sudden I realized it was time for the ceremony to start, but LOTS of things we had planned to do - like getting flowers and setting the tables - had not happened. Meh! I thought, too late to worry about that now! Mayaswell keep on having a good time. This is when that intense excited-nervousness started. I was with a faceless friend who kept reassuring me that it was going to be all fine, and I could barely contain myself, feeling equal parts dread at standing in front of all those people and proclaiming my love and commitment in a public way and 'night-before-christmas-as-a-kid' excitement at the thought of being married to Jake.

Then the scene shifted again, and it was just Jaker and I in a room somewhere - maybe our house? - SOOO excited to be married. Just revelling in it.

This whole dream-sequence pretty much sums up how I feel about the wedding - I'm really excited for a great party. I'm a little worried about the details because I'm used to being someone who manages all the little things that pop up at other peoples' events, but mostly I'm just PUMPED to have a lot of fun with the people I love.

The ceremony part (I do realize this is the whole point) causes both of us more than a little stress and anxiety. There is not a doubt in either of us that we want to BE married - the problem is WHAT ARE WE GOING TO SAY IN FRONT OF ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE!? Yes, therein lies the rub. ALSO, will we (and by 'we' I really mean 'me') be able to get through the saying of things without either turning into a blubbering mess OR (more likely) giggling uncontrollably, thereby wrecking the solemnity of the ritual?

Maybe we'll hire someone on the internet to write our vows for us. That might help.


  1. I remember holding on to Brett for dear life as we walked down the aisle, I was sure I was going to faint Elisabeth! Made it to the front and it was all good then. You already know it is all about the good memories and sharing your love and happiness with friends, so you have it made!! Norma

  2. Thanks, Norma. Jake and I are going to walk down the aisle together too, for that exact reason. Otherwise I don't know if I would make it down there!

    We are pretty excited about it!


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