A big step forward!*

Well, I know you've all been dying to know how things are going over here, and I am realizing more and more that if I don't blog every day (almost) I get WAY behind on what is happening. I think that is one of the biggest surprises in terms of time - how much organizing, moving, coordinating, and record keeping there is involved in all of this. I guess we wouldn't have to keep track of how much money we're spending - on the other hand, I think it will be worth it at the end when we can look back and see just how much pizza and beer kept this project on the move ;)

But anyway, on to the reason for this post: STAIRS!
 How it was. This is looking into the house from the side door, which is at ground level. There are stairs going down into the basement straight ahead, and the ones going off to the right go into the kitchen. Where Jake is standing used to be the pantry, with a built-in cabinet facing the stairs. Jake and I took all that down to get ready for the big switch.
 This is Dean, Jake's wonderful friend who is the epitome of a 'Jack of all trades'. He can do everything from switch a staircase to cook dinner to completely rebuild a vehicle. He is basically a genius with his hands. You may also notice in this picture that there are no more stairs from the kitchen!
 The whole crew: from the left is Kyle, who is going to hook us up with his connections to a dump trailer for the big Bash and Crash, next is Brendan who is really good at picking out steak, then Scott who as an electrician is appalled that our house hasn't burned down yet, then Jaker - the love of my life -, and then Dean. They had a lot of fun, and thankfully were also successful in their quest.
 They even signed their names to prove their existence.
 New stairs and landing! So now this is from what was the pantry looking down. You can see the side door straight ahead and the kitchen door sort of up, on the left. Don't worry - Jake put a 'safety' bar across the opening so no one falls down. We're also keeping track of how many times each of us goes the wrong way to go to the basement. I'm at 2, Jake - as of this morning - is at 10.
From the kitchen! Doesn't that look awesome! The best part is that the former pantry is way wider than we thought and it looks GREAT for a stairway. This is how the house should have been built to begin with!

So where was I during all of this, you may wonder? Especially considering my earlier musings about roles? I was packing/sorting and then leaving to go to a cabin with all my friends for Jill's birthday. While the boys worked. Sometimes the roles thing works out in my favour.

However, if I had been home, the following never would have happened, and they had quite a lot of fun, so maybe it's a good thing.

This is in the living room, by the way.

*A convenient, if not planned, pun!


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