
On Sunday there was an extended gathering for my mom's side of the family that live in the area. These are her aunts/uncles and cousins that we all connected with at the family reunion 2 summers ago. To be brief about it, there are A LOT of relatives in this family and they are all great fun. We don't see each other enough.

One of the best parts of the afternoon for me was discovering that there were many people there who read my blog! I was honoured and a little bit surprised, to be honest. It is humbling to know so many are watching what goes on here.

Anyway, I want to say thank you to everyone who reads what I write. It really is an outlet for me, and helps me figure things out. It also helps with a sense of accomplishment. Like if I write about something here it is real, rather than just something that lives in my head.

I am grateful to you all. Keep coming back!

As I am writing, Jake and his buddy are poking around the basement stairs to see what supplies they will need to do the big switcher-oo on the weekend. Things are moving forward! Exciting Exciting!


  1. I've been a reader for most of my life. It's probably one of the most constant parts of my identity. So I'm grateful to people like you who have words to share that make me think, that resonate with my thoughts, that give me a laugh, etc. Lack of response may make it feel like you are writing into a void; you can see this is not true. Write on--and thanks.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Anita. It is indeed nice to have proof that it is not just an abyss - although there is something kind of interesting about that too.


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