an ode to le carbs

What is with the insistence of people to demonize an entire food group? I do not get it. How did the wonderful, diverse, delicious, comforting, soothing carbohydrate get all the blame for weight gain and loss? How is that not the realm of FAT!? Which has 9 calories per gram, might I add. Carbs has only FOUR. Alcohol? SEVEN. So, maybe if you want to lose weight you should skip the fat and stick with the carbs and the protein.

Besides which, all of this is ridonkulous since the ONLY way to lose weight it to use more calories than you consume. Hear me, insane carb-haters?! THE ONLY WAY!


(what brought this on, may you ask? An attack against carbs in the staff room today. It just boggles the mind.)

And now, a list of carbs that are delicious, and that I will NEVER STOP EATING.

1. Potatoes - baked, fried, scalloped, roasted, purreed, hashbrowned, mashed....seriously. I had a prof a long time ago whose family farmed potatoes and he said that they are the single best food on the planet and I believe him. Jam packed with nutrients (leave the peels on, people), and totally delicious. I could never ever give up my lovely potatoes.

2. Wraps and pita breads - mmmm. more of a vehicle for what goes inside them, but put that hummus and cheese on a leaf of lettuce and it is WAY less satisfying than in a pita or wrap.

3. Rice - brown, fried, pudding. Sign me UP.

4. Cinnamon buns - esp whole wheat ones from tall grass bakery coated in brown sugar, butter and cinnamon...drool.

And the list goes on.

I promise I am not drunk. I am, however, adamant that cutting carbs out is NOT THE ANSWER TO ANY PROBLEM. Obviously.

Phew! Just had to get that out there. Excuse me while  I go make some mac and cheese.


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