blast! I have no inspiration!

Ok, well here is an idea that's been rattling around in my head, but it's not all-the-way developed and also it might sound a little complain-y.

I sort of assume in life that people will do what they've said they are going to and will take responsibility for their work/situation/job/promise. I don't stress about what other people say they're going to do because I figure they will do it. Easy peasy!

This is an assumption that works out about 99% of the time in my personal life. The percentage isn't quite that high in my professional life.

The thing is, it's a surprise every time! And it catches me off-guard. And it makes me SOOOO frustrated. The problem is that when I get frustrated my own personal effectiveness takes a big nose-dive. Not a good cycle to get into.

That's all I'm going to say about it because I don't want to be unprofessional.

Tomorrow is Friday. PTL!


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