trying to be better

Let's just get this out there: I am TERRIBLE at mail. I'm also not that good at presents, or remembering when present-worthy things are coming up. I'm EVEN WORSE at actually following through on whatever I might have thought would be a good idea for a particular present (this goes back to me not liking to 'do' things).

So all of this makes me a pretty lame gift-giver. Well, part of that is also that I know I sure don't need more stuff, and I figure most of the adults I know may be in the same boat. Plus I kind of hate shopping.

Anyhoodle, Jake is also terrible at these things, and yet we have a niece and nephew that live VERY far away, and who we don't get to see as often as we'd like. And SO. We are trying to be better.

On the weekend we went for our Sunday morning walk, and headed to the Forks and the toy store. Is there anything more fun than a toy-store? I don't think so. The gifties are sitting on the coffee table right now, waiting to be wrapped and sent in the mail. That is the next step! But at least we went shopping!

Jainin, you are an inspiration in this department. Just in case you were wondering :)


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