weekend chores - boo lame

When I was growing up, we cleaned the house every Saturday. My job was to dust the banisters and any other surface that was dusty, as well as vacuum the house, and clean the girls' bathroom. Come to think of it - what did anyone else do?

Sometimes when I'm cleaning the house now as a grown up I imagine having children and making THEM do the weekly Saturday clean. Then I realize that they wouldn't be able to do it till they were a little bit older (like, not when they're born) and that there might be some fighting involved in making them do it.

So today as I was sweeping up hair and dust and disgustingness from the floors, I imagined hiring someone else to do this job. That's right, paying for someone to come to my house once a week while we are at work, and clean the floors and the bathroom, and dust. That's it! That's not so bad.

I think it'd be worth it.


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