
You know what's kind of amazing about blogging every day is how much of your life you record, but how much MORE of your life you leave out. This sort of blows me away, actually.

I've been writing every day, but what makes it on here is such a teeny tiny snippet of life.

Now it sounds like I'm hiding something. I'm not, but I easily could be! *wink wink*

Today I dealt with a diffused-but-not-over situation between a former student who has so much potential that we sent her to a private school on a scholarship - and this is a really good school with a really good program to help equalize the playing field between inner-city kids and other kids - it is a big deal - and a current student. The former student wanted to fight the current student, for no reason the current student could figure out.

Now, of course, trying to unravel the intricacies of teenage girl drama is one of THE MOST FRUSTRATING tasks one could ever engage in, but mostly what it boils down to is I am downright hopping mad that this former student, who I advocate for regularly, is going around instigating fights with others! GRRRRR!!! I want to shake some sense into her!

Her personal situation is also complicated but it seems like she is hell-bent on making sure her life is much harder than it needs to be, and I don't the patience for that. She's been given a HUGE step up and out of this life of fighting and drama and it's like she's looking back, considering the jump back down in to the melee. MAKES ME SO MAD!!!

Yesterday Jake was talking about if he ever had a daughter, he would find it really hard to handle when other kids were mean to her, or sent her nasty text messages, or bullied her. I think I could handle that part ok, but I think I'd lose it pretty good if it was my kid doing the stupid things. I think that would be worse.

Junior high. What a time. Mostly I think everyone should go work on a farm from the time they are 12 till 16.


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