making up for it?

Yesterday I got home and just did not feel like writing. Even though in hindsight I had plenty of material I could have turned into something worth reading.

So to make up for it, today I am posting pictures! Ones taken especially for the blog!

Jake's volleyball season finished yesterday night, which is a huge weight off his shoulders. I would hazard a guess that this was the hardest season he has ever coached - not because of his players, but because he was so exhausted from our adventures in summer and fall he could barely drag himself to work and back, let alone 3 Saturday tournaments in 3 weeks plus regular games and practices.

Today he's making up for all that activity and 'doing' with a day of delightful sloth-like-behaviour, which obviously I am all for, as I am still lazy-to-the-max.

Right now the weather outside looks like this (taken from the upstairs sunroom), except with varying amounts blustery-ness.

So we're gonna watch movies ALL DAY. 

Jake has been quoting from all 4 of these movies all week. I'm ready to see what all the fuss is about. He was particularly thrilled to find the trio above - turns out his lineup wasn't as original as he thought!

We are ready for the hordes! Actually, neither of us really know how many people are planning to come over, or stay for how long, but we are past caring. The fireplace is on, we have ice cream, pie, popcorn, Southern Comfort and Orange juice, and Earl Grey Tea with Disarono. There is no way for this to go wrong.

Big Screen! 

Here is to a day on the couch, with friends and family. We'll make up for it tomorrow by going skiing, promise. 


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